Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

I hate the character of Marcus.  I feel like he is the antagonist in the story, because whenever he is mentioned in the book I just get really mad and feel like throwing the book.  A quote he says is "I like the fact that I can scare her [Ronnie, the protagonist]. I can use it to my advantage."  Marcus is a creepy teenage guy that plays with fireballs as a hobby.  He likes to manipulate girls, and his latest target is Ronnie.  Usually the girls chase after Marcus but Ronnie doesn't like him at all and now Marcus is out to get her for it.  He's trying to break up her and her new boyfriend Will.   Ronnie can tell from first meeting Marcus that he's no good and scary. 
If Marcus found $100 on the ground, he would definetly keep it for himself.  He's a bum.  There's a part in the story when his girfriend is at the diner eating, with food that Ronnie paid for because she's nice, and Marcus comes and eats most of it.  Ronnie even protests and says that its not for him, but he continues to eat it.  He's a moocher, and he needs money for his partying habits.  He gets others in trouble for his actions.  He doesn't care about anyone but himself, which is why I think he'd keep the money. 

This is a picture of Will and Ronnie from the movie version of "The Last Song".  They're trying to protect a turtle nest behind Ronnie's beach house.  They bond over protecting the turtles, which kindles their relationship. 

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